Having Cancer is Expensive. We're here to Help.

Cancer is a diagnosis that no one wants to hear.  Many of us have lost family members and dear friends to this hideous disease. Every 14 seconds, somewhere in the world, a case of cancer is diagnosed — a sobering statistic. Pink is a non-profit founded in June 2023 through the efforts of the late Kim Keene, a breast cancer warrior, and her supporters. As a cancer fighter, Kim was deeply aware that many patients’ needs are not covered by insurance, inspiring her legacy of support for others battling the disease.

The average cancer patient loses over $92,000 due to treatment-related costs.

Paint Pink’s mission is to support local cancer patients with financial assistance for goods and services (such as payment of bills, legal fees, personal care items, house cleaning, meal delivery and more) that are not covered by insurance, thus enabling patients to focus on their battle with this disease.  Since every case is different, the uniqueness of each situation drives the amount of support provided.
Paint Pink volunteers have seen the havoc that a cancer diagnosis can inflict upon individuals, families and friends. Lives get uprooted.  Plans get demolished. And it becomes about survival. We are determined to lighten the load for our cancer-fighting warriors so their focus can be on their health.

What We Do

Household Support

We match businesses in the community that specialize in home maintenance services, so you can focus on your health. Services include:
• House cleaning
• Yard Maintenance
• Meal Prep

Legal Support

Whether you have cancer or are caring for someone who does, you may need legal help at some point in your cancer experience. You have a legal right to certain benefits, including workplace and partnership protections. 

  • Estate Planning
  • Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Insurance Disputes and more


We know the love and support that a pet brings into the lives of people with cancer and their loved ones. Caring for your pet when you have cancer can be challenging, and we are here to help. We can help provide support with the following:

  • Dog/cat food
  • Veterinarian bills
  • Grooming
  • Dog Walking

Other Services

  • Transportation 
  • Counseling
  • Resource navigation and more

For more information, complete our assistance form to see what support is available. If you’d like to make a donation to help support any of these costs, click here

Kim Keene | Founder

Kim Keene was a breast cancer warrior, first diagnosed in 2017. She experienced first-hand the increased challenges of keeping up with everyday chores and responsibilities that many face during a prolonged illness. She realized how fortunate she was to have a strong support system of family and friends to help, and wanted to pay it forward to others that are less fortunate.

Art was always at the forefront of Kim’s life. She discovered her passion at a young age and majored in art in college, ultimately becoming a professional artist. While undergoing treatment for breast cancer, she battled by focusing on her art to bring her peace and purpose; she would dive into the paint and become one with the canvas. For her, brushstrokes were calming and rejuvenating.

When Kim’s cancer returned for a second round, she knew what she needed to do to help her heal: PAINT. So, she continued with her acrylics, oils, canvas, palate, and brush to bring a sense of peace into her life where there otherwise could be anxiety and uncertainty.

This is why “art”. Kim founded Paint Pink Inc. determined to provide help and support to others, so those living with cancer could focus on getting healthy without the stress of everyday life situations.

Sadly, Kim lost her battle on September 16th 2024, but her amazing spirit, hope and good energy live through her legacy of Paint Pink Inc.

Board of Directors


Jo Ann Hughes

Jo Ann Hughes

Acting President

Caryn West

Caryn Rivett

Secretary & Registered Agent

Stephanie M. Clark


Rebecca Munet

Social Media Operations


Michael Millard Lowe
Elizabeth Coker

Board of Advisors

(Photos Coming Soon)
Laura Henderson – Gallery Coordinator
Nicole Carry

Kathy Keene